My English is not good, thanks.
Forex is the acronym of the phrase Foreign Exchange: exchange foreign currency or foreign currency, also abbreviated as FX or spot FX. This is the financial markets of the world’s largest, with the amount of cash transactions per day was up to 1.95 billion USD thousand (2006). If you compare the stock market New York USD 25 billion transactions per day, you will be able to imagine this market is huge how.
Market exchange foreign currency (Forex) market is the currency of the bank was established in 1971 when the exchange rate was floated Famous specific chemical. Market is a range of activities in which currency of each country were discussed with each other and a place to carry out business internationally.
Forex is a group of approximately 4,500 organizations currency transactions, the international banks, the banking center of government and commercial companies. The pay for the import / export as well as the purchase or sale of assets must be through the market exchange foreign currency. This is called market exchange foreign currency "consumption". There is also the first paragraph of the Forex company that is the exposure of finance to the wider economy in a foreign country involved in Forex to offset risks of investing internationally.
Goods in the market, Forex
forex.jpgVay "goods" of the market What is FOREX? The answer is money. Forex transactions are active transaction to buy a certain amount of money and sold a number of other funds by the same time. Money transactions are through brokers or directly by each pair; for example, pairs EUR / USD or GBP / JPY.
Activities FOREX transactions can be complicated for many people because they can not purchase any end-anything in the market. You could simply think of buying 1 Dong money as it does to buy shares of 1 country. When you buy the Japanese Yen, you are impacted foreign currency exchange rates of Japan and indirectly on the Japanese Economy, by the value of the money is a reflection assessment of the market on "health" at present and in the future of a country.
Overview, exchange rates of a currency compared with a currency other is a reflection of the elements of an economy when compared with other economies.
Unlike other markets such as financing, FOREX does not have a financial center or any transaction. Forex market is a market "bank", and based on electronic transactions between systems connect banks with each other, and work 24 hours a day,
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……….Go on next week, thanks for read,
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